Sethna Memorial Lecture
Dr. Homi Nusserwanji Sethna, the renowned scientist and former Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission had been associated with Nehru Centre since 1977 was its General Secretary for nearly a decade and a member of the Executive Committee till the end.
His passing away on September 5, 2010 has been a great loss to the Centre. With a view to perpetuating his memory and in appreciation of his services to the Centre, the Executive Committee of the Centre unanimously decided that an annual lecture by a distinguished scientist/scholar should be held every year in the memory of Dr. has been decided to hold an annual lecture on his birthday (24 August).

Dr. Homi Nusserwanji Sethna
The first Lecture was delivered on Wednesday, August 24, 2011 by
Dr. M. R. Srinivasan, former Chairman, Atomic Energy Commission, Government of India, on “Future of Nuclear Power after Fukushima”.
The Last lecture was delivered on Saturday, September 01, 2018 by
Col Gopal T. Kaushik, VSM (Retd), Core member of the Shakti Mission (that conducted the nuclear tests), in the capacity of the Commanding Officer of 58 Engineer Regiment of the Indian Army.
On ‘Nuclear Empowerment of India – Pokharan II‘