Public Lectures

From time to time eminent scientists and astronomers are invited to deliver public talks. These talks are generally held in the Hall of Culture of the Nehru Centre’s Discovery of India building which has a sitting capacity of 250. Over the last 35+ years, more than 100 astronomers and astrophysicists delivered lectures on astronomical topics, covering all the branches, from astronomical instrumentation to cosmology.  The list of speakers has both Indians as well as from scholars from abroad is rather long. The talks are followed by a lively question and answer session.

Some Indian stalwarts who have addressed the audience are Prof. J. V. Narlikar, Prof. Abhay Ashtekar, Prof. S. K. Kulkarni. Prof. Chandra Wickramasinghe is an example of some of the non-Indians who have visited the Nehru Centre to address the general public.

Memorial Lecture  – Dr Homi Nusserwanji Sethna, the renowned scientist and former Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission had been associated with Nehru Centre since 1977 and was its General Secretary for nearly a decade and a member of the Executive Committee till the end. In the memory of Dr Sethna, Nehru Centre holds an annual lecture on his birthday (24 August) in his memory.

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