The Nehru Planetarium

Where Stars Shine All Day

The Planetarium is closed on all Mondays.

Only 131 (out of 500) seats can be booked online; the rest can be purchased at the ticket window.  Same-day online booking is not permitted.
For any enquiry /assistance, please contact: 
Mob – (+91) 989289 0510,
022 – 40245413, 022 40245400 
Please Note: Refund tickets process will take 10 days time.
A lift suitable for wheelchair users and elderly people is available.

The Nehru Planetarium was commissioned on 3rd March 1977, with the objective of fostering scientific temper through the means of edutainment (that’s right! education + entertainment).  The planetarium has been making learning Astronomy a pleasant experience.  It also has grown into a Center for the scientific study of astronomy and for a meeting of scientists and scholars for discussions and lectures, arranged periodically on various stellar and Astronomical events.

The programs are aimed at inspiring students. These include Science quiz contests, Astro-painting, Science elocution, Astro-poetry and Astro-quiz competitions. Special arrangements are made to watch, study and photograph Solar & Lunar eclipses, and many such other events. Telescopes are installed outside the Planetarium to enable eager visitors to watch these phenomena.

Planetarium shows

Since its inception, the planetarium has kept in pace with the latest technological advances in the production of planetarium shows.

The Planetarium of Nehru Centre was inaugurated by the then Prime Minister of India, Smt. Indira Gandhi on 3rd March 1977. Since its very first sky show, the planetarium has been making learning Astronomy a pleasant experience.

The Planetarium Projectors have been an instrumental part of the shows – both literally and figuratively. 

Public Lectures

From time to time eminent scientists and astronomers are invited to deliver public talks. These talks are generally held in the Hall of Culture of the Nehru Centre’s Discovery of India building which has a sitting capacity of 250.

Over the last 35+ years, more than 100 astronomers and astrophysicists delivered lectures on astronomical topics, covering all the branches, from astronomical instrumentation to cosmology. 

The list of speakers has both Indians as well as from scholars from abroad is rather long. The talks are followed by a lively question and answer session.

Planetarium Exhibits

The planetarium has a rich collection of exhibits developed over the years. These are in the form of 3D models, murals and information charts.

Science Laboratory

Nehru Planetarium has a new laboratory facility for school students from 8th to 10th, where the students can get hands-on experience in doing the practical exercises given in their textbooks.

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